Tag: my story

Using Herbs in Cooking: Intro

Using Herbs in Cooking: Intro

Using more herbs and less salt in your cooking? There’s an novel idea, right? Though we do use the Real Salt brand salt, which is healthier than your average iodized table salt, I still find myself relying too heavily on salt to add excitement to […]

Hands on Herbs

Hands on Herbs

Be Ready! Quick, easy, and straightforward. That’s what you want when you need an herbal remedy. However, very few of my herbs are actually ready to use at a moment’s notice. Having to research & create the remedy when the need arises makes using natural […]

Back & Excited to be Moving Forward

Back & Excited to be Moving Forward

I didn’t totally vanish! Any useful blog posts on the Herbal Homeschool may have dried up these last 5 months but my little family has been flourishing and growing happily! Now that things are somewhat settled I am going to get back to writing 1 […]

Tips for Gardening with Babies & Toddlers

Tips for Gardening with Babies & Toddlers

Growing your own fruits, veggies, and herbs definitely becomes more & more important as your family grows. Fresh food, let alone organic fresh food, is expensive so growing your own is great for your bank account AND your health! The only problem is that as […]

May 2018 Update

May 2018 Update

Nope, I actually didn’t disappear! This is just a quick in-between- the-useful-information post to catch you all up on exactly why the Herbal Homeschool has been totally quiet for a few months. Back at the end of 2017 I thought it would be helpful to […]

9 Strategies to Live Well When You are Exhausted

9 Strategies to Live Well When You are Exhausted

How do I live healthy when I am too tired to function? That is what I have been asking myself lately because I have been totally exhausted, unable to eat normally, and very unmotivated to maintain normal activities like baking sourdough bread and preparing nutritious meals […]

Tips to Germinate Herbs Indoors

Tips to Germinate Herbs Indoors

We have talked about why to try to germinate seeds during the off season in my last blog post. Now in this post I would like to share a few things herbs need to sprout and a few tips for germinating seeds yourself. As I […]

How I Stopped a Cold With only 2 DIY Recipes

How I Stopped a Cold With only 2 DIY Recipes

As I was cleaning up to get ready for bed Friday night I grabbed a sip of water from my ever present water bottle & groaned. It tasted funny, which is always my first indication that I am getting a cold. Maybe my immune system […]

Make Magic Spray For Toddler Hair Without Tears

Make Magic Spray For Toddler Hair Without Tears

Stop the Hair Brushing Problems in Morning Herbs don’t have to be used exclusively for your physical health. They can also be used for your sanity. Find out how I use lavender to help me win the hair brushing battle with my girls every morning. […]

Creating Herbal Goals for the New Year

Creating Herbal Goals for the New Year

Almost 2 weeks into the new year and after plenty of thought about my priorities, lots of distraction dealing with sicknesses one after the other, and finding a few quiet moments to actually distill my thoughts into real practical ideas, I am excited to say […]