Tag: gardening

All About Ginger: Benefits, Doses, Growing Tips, and Recipes

All About Ginger: Benefits, Doses, Growing Tips, and Recipes

What is ginger? Ginger is a rhizome, commonly just called a root, that has been grown for thousands of years in China and India. Prescription for Herbal Healing calls it the most widely available and widely used herbal remedy on the planet. There are many […]

Catnip; Health Benefits & Growing Tips

Catnip; Health Benefits & Growing Tips

Catnip, specifically Nepeta Cataria, (There are over 250 varieties) is an aromatic perennial herb in the mint family. It is generally used by humans as a carminative (helps to expel gas) and as a gastric stimulant. It is “calming, relaxing, pain relieving, and gentle.” (Herbs […]

Growing & Enjoying the Benefits of  Lavender for Beginners

Growing & Enjoying the Benefits of Lavender for Beginners

Lavender. Who doesn’t love a row of perfectly curved bushes surrounded by that glorious purple haze of flowers and the even more incredible aroma? I love the look of lavender and I love the scent. While I did appreciate the glories of lavender, I really […]

All About Rosemary

All About Rosemary

Rosemary. Woodsy. Romantic. Complex. I LOVE how Rosemary smells and have loved brushing against it as I run up and down the hill that my herb garden is tucked into. However, I have yet to actually learn what in the world to DO with the […]

Pineapple Sage; Growing, Harvesting, and Using

Pineapple Sage; Growing, Harvesting, and Using

Wondering how to use your Pineapple Sage in your cooking? Eager to add this beautiful, fragrant herb to your garden? Keep reading! I’ve had Pineapple Sage growing in my garden for years. I love the amazing aroma, how enthusiastically it grows, the lovely tropical red flowers it’s […]

Planter Ideas for Indoor Gardening

Planter Ideas for Indoor Gardening

There’s a hint of cool in the air, it is officially after Labor day, the kids are back at school, and pumpkin flavored everything is making an appearance. Sounds enough like fall to be thinking about bringing the outside herbs in! I began looking on Pinterest […]

Get Your Herbs Ready for Fall!

Get Your Herbs Ready for Fall!

Hot. Humid. Buggy. Summer plants are withering. My fall garden NOT GROWING as fast as I think it should. It still feels like summer so I still feel like retrying to plant some of the things that were not successful this year like cucumbers, but […]

Creating Herbal Goals for the New Year

Creating Herbal Goals for the New Year

Almost 2 weeks into the new year and after plenty of thought about my priorities, lots of distraction dealing with sicknesses one after the other, and finding a few quiet moments to actually distill my thoughts into real practical ideas, I am excited to say […]

Growing Herbs: Trial by Error

Growing Herbs: Trial by Error

Growing herbs indoors can be a great idea if like me you get super excited about starting things at completely inappropriate times of the year! Our unseasonably warm weather has had me itching to start my garden when in reality I should be winterizing and […]

What is an Herb?

What is an Herb?

For someone who wants to learn about herbs, this is a great place to start! When I think about taking care of my family’s health naturally and making a healthy home, I think about using different parts of plants to serve my purpose. However, after […]