
A Great Idea; Grate Plates

A Great Idea; Grate Plates

A GREAT new idea for herbalists & anyone who doesn’t want to shred their fingers with a grater. Grater plates are handy little ceramic dishes with bumpy teeth in the center that allow you to quickly grate herbs, spices, fruits, and veggies without shredding your fingers.

Your Herbal Home Base

Your Herbal Home Base

One thing that has always bothered me about blogs is the lack of topical organization that is produced by displaying blog posts sequentially. I love trying to wrap my mind around something one subject at a time and I love outlines. Thus, I’ve created this post […]

2017  Black Friday Herb Sales

2017 Black Friday Herb Sales

For Black Friday I wanted to gather a list of the herb websites offering sales this weekend for your convenience (and mine!) None of these are affiliates & I’m not making any money off them, I just wanted to share and let you know what is […]

Creating a Herbal Notebook

Creating a Herbal Notebook

Creating a Herbal Notebook I want to share with you an exciting tool I’ve put together to wrangle all the new information we are gathering about herbs; a Herb Notebook! I’ll share the benefits & purposes of an herb notebook, break down each category I […]

Fennel: Benefits, Uses, & Concerns

Fennel: Benefits, Uses, & Concerns

Fennel. Delicious, aromatic, soothing, and a Godsend to anyone with a colicky baby. Fennel seeds have been described as one of the best herbs to use for digestive issues. It is safe enough to use for cranky babies yet gently effective enough to be described […]

Using Herbs for Babies & Kids

Using Herbs for Babies & Kids

-This post contains affiliate links- Using herbs for kids can be incredibly beneficial, but also rather nerve-wracking. Sometimes it seems easier to just head to the pediatrician for some professional advice on your little munchkins’ earache or cough. Now I want to make it clear […]

Elderberry Syrup: Recipe & Tips

Elderberry Syrup: Recipe & Tips

You want to protect your family from sickness, to make your immune system invincible, to prevent your family from getting the flu bugs and colds that are going around. You can do just that by whipping up some easy, delicious, super effective Elderberry Syrup! Benefits of Elderberry Syrup! What is Elderberry Syrup, […]

Herbal Tea; Infusions & Decoctions

Herbal Tea; Infusions & Decoctions

Teas, Tinctures, Infusions, Decoctions, Oils, Salves, Capsules, etc. The number of different ways to prepare herbs can set your mind spinning! Not to mention the extra ingredients needed such as glycerin or alcohol for tinctures or beeswax for salves. With so many choices at hand, […]

Stocking Up the Herb Cabinet

Stocking Up the Herb Cabinet

This will be a memorable Thanksgiving holiday for a number of reasons including watching my toddler eat Thanksgiving dinner for the first time! As it relates to my study of herbs, it will be remembered as the weekend when I finally jumped in and actually bought […]

How to Buy Herbs?

How to Buy Herbs?

Knowledge of what to do with herbs will only go so far if you don’t have access to herbs with which to experiment. My goal is to grow my herb collection slowly as I learn how to use the herb/essential oil/etc. effectively. There are numerous places to purchase herbs […]