
Your Herbal Home Base

Your Herbal Home Base

One thing that has always bothered me about blogs is the lack of topical organization that is produced by displaying blog posts sequentially. I love trying to wrap my mind around something one subject at a time and I love outlines. Thus, I’ve created this post […]

Calendula: Benefits, Uses, Doses & More

Calendula: Benefits, Uses, Doses & More

  First, What is it? Calendula (also known as a Pot Marigold) is an annual that gets its name from the fact that it tends to flower by the calendar, generally once a month from June through October. Many people grow calendula in their gardens as […]

6 Herbs for Immune Support

6 Herbs for Immune Support

Staying Healthy As we head into winter, I’ve been thinking a lot about how to keep my family healthy and free from colds and the flu this year. We got one brief cold already, but fortunately between taking homeopathic remedies and herbs it was out […]

Catnip; Health Benefits & Growing Tips

Catnip; Health Benefits & Growing Tips

Catnip, specifically Nepeta Cataria, (There are over 250 varieties) is an aromatic perennial herb in the mint family. It is generally used by humans as a carminative (helps to expel gas) and as a gastric stimulant. It is “calming, relaxing, pain relieving, and gentle.” (Herbs […]

Chamomile: Benefits & Uses

Chamomile: Benefits & Uses

” The finest and safest of all medicinals” is how Chamomile is described by Rosemary Gladstar. What’s not to love about Chamomile? It’s has beautiful little daisy-like flowers that would look great in any garden, it’s gentle enough even for babies, and it has so […]

Stay Healthy: DIY Echinacea Tincture

Stay Healthy: DIY Echinacea Tincture

With so many benefits of Echinacea, everyone should have a supply of easy to make DIY Echinacea tincture on hand to keep your family healthy! This is one of the herbs I reach for the most; in fact you can read about how I stopped a cold using […]