Herbal Remedies for Specific Purposes

Natural Herbal Help for Teething Babies

Natural Herbal Help for Teething Babies

Sad, cranky sleepless babies that refuse to be set down can hurt any mama heart and drive you crazy at the same time. When the issue is teething and it feels like there is nothing you can do it’s even worse! When I noticed my […]

Increase Your Energy with Herbs

Increase Your Energy with Herbs

  It’s not a surprise; most people are looking for more energy. Whether you are working & going to school, keeping up with babies and toddlers, homeschooling & running a home, running a business, or playing with grandkids, no one is going to turn down […]

6 Guidelines to Using Herbs During Pregnancy

6 Guidelines to Using Herbs During Pregnancy

I am hoping to restart this series on using herbs in pregnancy and share some information I have learned. I tried this last year around the same time & found out I was pregnant with Eli a few weeks later, but I’m only 4 months […]

Your Easy Gripe Water Recipe

Your Easy Gripe Water Recipe

For anyone trying to treat digestive issues in their children, gripe water may be just the safe, natural recipe to help sooth your baby. I have seen my simple herbal gripe water formula soothe all three of my children safely & naturally.

Hands on Herbs

Hands on Herbs

Be Ready! Quick, easy, and straightforward. That’s what you want when you need an herbal remedy. However, very few of my herbs are actually ready to use at a moment’s notice. Having to research & create the remedy when the need arises makes using natural […]

Herbs & Remedies for Morning Sickness

Herbs & Remedies for Morning Sickness

Nausea is probably one of the most well known, despised early pregnancy symptoms that many women experience. The term morning sickness is a sad misnomer as nausea can affect pregnant women alllllll throughout the day. It can also be an issue well past the first […]

Your Practical, Actionable Health Goals This Year

Your Practical, Actionable Health Goals This Year

Happy new year! Like every year I find myself saying, ” I can’t believe that 12 whole months went by! It feels like it was JUST January.” But then I stop and look back at everything that has happened this year and am amazed that […]

5 Herbs to Warm You Up

5 Herbs to Warm You Up

How Herbs can warm you up In celebration of our first snow of the season, I have been learning about how herbs can keep you warm when the temperatures drop. Generally more than a bit cold-blooded, I was always the kid with four layers of pants on just to […]

Your Herbal Home Base

Your Herbal Home Base

One thing that has always bothered me about blogs is the lack of topical organization that is produced by displaying blog posts sequentially. I love trying to wrap my mind around something one subject at a time and I love outlines. Thus, I’ve created this post […]

Calendula: Benefits, Uses, Doses & More

Calendula: Benefits, Uses, Doses & More

  First, What is it? Calendula (also known as a Pot Marigold) is an annual that gets its name from the fact that it tends to flower by the calendar, generally once a month from June through October. Many people grow calendula in their gardens as […]