Hi everyone, I’m Alissa. My husband, little munchkins, and I live on 11 acres in the middle of Maryland. I’m happy to be working hard taking care of my little family, trying to keep our ducks alive, spending time in the garden, and learning more about all my random hobbies from baking bread to graphic design to quilting.
I’m especially eager to learn how to naturally maintain my family’s health and home using herbs. Though I’m no expert, I am looking forward to educating myself about herbs and sharing everything I learn along the way with you!
Hence, the Herbal Homeschool. Because health and happiness start at home.
Why an herbal “homeschool”? Because I was homeschooled by an incredible mom who gave me a life long passion for exploring new things and taught me how to learn. As a result, I always have more “projects” going than I know what to do with and random pages of notes scattered around the house from my latest “research” on health, herbs, cooking, gardening, saving money, etc. The Herbal Homeschool is where I contain and organize all the useful new things I learn about herbs & living naturally!