Month: December 2017
Sourdough Bread Recipe Printable
Download Your Printable Sourdough Bread Recipe Click on the PDF link below to download your copy of my delicious sourdough bread recipe. I keep my family supplied with amazing sourdough bread with only about 10 minutes of work every other day. You can read all about […]
Sourdough Sandwich Bread in 10 minutes
Sourdough Bread Fast Let’s talk about sourdough bread! We’re taking a slight detour from herbs today, but hey, homeschoolers are really good at turning everything into learning experiences. So I would strongly encourage you to give it a shot and try your hand at making […]
DIY Simple & Easy Sourdough Starter
Simple straightforward directions for making a dairy free, two-ingredient sourdough starter, how to maintain it for baking amazing sourdough bread, and the benefits of keeping a sourdough starter
5 Herbs to Warm You Up
How Herbs can warm you up In celebration of our first snow of the season, I have been learning about how herbs can keep you warm when the temperatures drop. Generally more than a bit cold-blooded, I was always the kid with four layers of pants on just to […]
Your Herbal Home Base
One thing that has always bothered me about blogs is the lack of topical organization that is produced by displaying blog posts sequentially. I love trying to wrap my mind around something one subject at a time and I love outlines. Thus, I’ve created this post […]
Benefits of Including your Children in your Herbal Adventure
Dirt covered everything. Dried herbs poured everywhere but the pot of water. Herb seedlings “transplanted” by being crushed in chubby little hands. Yep, I’m raising a toddler herbalist. And I couldn’t be happier. My Little Herbalist Last night at supper I got the privilege […]