Starting from Scratch

What do I know about herbs? Really, nothing. There. We got that out of the way. “What would I LIKE to learn about using herbs medicinally?” is the better question. The question that will drive my herbal homeschool. As a wife, mom, and homemaker I want to help my family stay healthy naturally and create a healthy, chemical free home. A few thing I want to focus on include . . . 

– herbs for a safe, healthy pregnancy and delivery

– herbs for treating common newborn, baby & toddler issues including teething, diaper rash, colic, reflux, breastfeeding problems, etc

-herbs for maintaining our immune systems and fighting common colds, flus, etc. I’m hoping to replace the drug store with the herb garden!

– herbs for safe detoxing and balancing of hormones to maintain a healthy body

– how to use herbs in the home to replace conventional, chemical-laden products such as cleaners, scents, beauty & hygiene products etc.

– herbs for pet health, especially which herbs are safe for pets & which aren’t.

– herbs for use outdoors, especially as bug spray, insecticide, weed killer, etc.

Whew. I think that’s a pretty good start for now. Before I get any further I need to make it clear that I am not a doctor or medical expert of any kind and I am not intending to give medical advice. I am a lifelong learner who was blessed to be homeschooled by my awesome mom, thus the name ‘herbal homeschool’ of course! My goal is to learn as much as I can about using herbs to care for my family and share what I have learned with you all here.

And that is going to have to be enough for now because my little 16 month old Sunshine is awake & wanting mama!